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TMCR2T12 картридж M200 2 температурні входи-розширення I/O

  • В наявності
  • Код: TMCR2TI2

3 112,38 ₴

2 801,14 ₴

+380 (68) 052-00-91
  • +380 (68) 052-00-91
    viber Для замовлень Viber
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повернення товару протягом 14 днів за домовленістю
TMCR2T12 картридж M200  2 температурні входи-розширення I/O
TMCR2T12 картридж M200 2 температурні входи-розширення I/O
3 112,38 ₴2 801,14 ₴
В наявності
+380 (68) 052-00-91
  • +380 (68) 052-00-91
    viber Для замовлень Viber
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Product Datasheet



Детальний опис: КАРТРИДЖ ДЛЯ М200 2 ТЕМПЕР. ВХ.

Артикул товару: TMCR2TI2


range of product Easy Modicon M200
product or component type Analogue input cartridge
product compatibility Easy Modicon M200
analogue input number 2
analogue input type Thermocouple - 200...1000 °C with thermocouple J
thermocouple - 200...1300 °C with thermocouple K
thermocouple 0...1760 °C with thermocouple R
thermocouple 0...1760 °C with thermocouple S
thermocouple 0...1820 °C with thermocouple B
thermocouple - 200...400 °C with thermocouple T
thermocouple - 200...1300 °C with thermocouple N
thermocouple - 200...800 °C with thermocouple E
thermocouple 0...2315 °C with thermocouple C
Ni 100/Ni 1000 temperature probe - 60...180 °C
Pt 100 temperature probe - 200...850 °C
Pt 1000 temperature probe - 200...600 °C
analogue input resolution 14 bits
LSB value 0.1 °C
sampling duration 125 ms, analogue input type: thermocouple
250 ms, analogue input type: temperature probe
absolute accuracy error +/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for Pt 100/Pt 1000, Ni 100/ Ni 1000 temperature probe
+/- 0.4 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple K - 200...0 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple K 0...1300 °C
+/- 0.4 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple J - 200...0 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple J 0...1000 °C
+/- 0.4 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple E - 200...0 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple E 0...800 °C
+/- 0.4 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple T - 200...0 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple T 0...400 °C
+/- 0.4 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple N - 200...0 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale at 25 °C for thermocouple N 0...1300 °C
+/- 0.1 % of full scale for thermocouple C
temperature drift +/- 0.02 %FS/°C
repeat accuracy +/- 0.5 %FS
non-linearity +/- 0.01 %FS
cross talk <= 1 LSB
type of cable Twisted shielded pairs cable
electrical connection 3 x 1.5 mm² 2 screw terminal blocks with pitch 3.81 mm adjustment for inputs
maximum cable distance between devices Twisted shielded pairs cable: <30 m for input
insulation Non-insulated between analogue input and internal logic
height 41 mm
depth 15 mm
width 35 mm
net weight 0.012 kg
input impedance >= 1 MOhm
immunity to microbreaks 10 ms
Packing Units
Unit Type of Package 1 PCE
Number of Units in Package 1 1
Package 1 Weight 33.0 g
Package 1 Height 3.5 cm
Package 1 width 4.8 cm
Package 1 Length 7.0 cm
Unit Type of Package 2 S02
Number of Units in Package 2 1
Package 2 Weight 655.0 g
Package 2 Height 15.0 cm
Package 2 width 30.0 cm
Package 2 Length 40.0 cm

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ВиробникSchneider Electric
Країна виробникФранція
Кількість функцій2
Тип монтажуНа DIN рейку
Тип управлінняАвтоматичне
  • Ціна: 2 801,14 ₴

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